
Parfait Adjective Agreement

Parfait Adjective Agreement: How to Perfectly Match Your Adjectives in French Sentences

In French, adjective agreement is essential to create coherent and accurate sentences. Without proper agreement, the meaning of a sentence can easily be lost or misconstrued. One aspect of adjective agreement that can be particularly tricky to master is parfait adjective agreement. This rule applies to adjectives that are placed before a noun and that describe a quality that is considered to be inherent or essential to the noun. Here’s what you need to know about parfait adjective agreement to perfect your French writing.

Basic Rules

Parfait adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. This means that they need to match the gender and number of the noun they describe. In general, adjectives that end in -e have an unchanged form for both masculine and feminine, while those that end in a consonant usually add an -e for the feminine form. For example, “beau” becomes “belle” in the feminine form. Adjectives that end in -s or -x remain the same in both masculine and feminine forms.


– Un homme gentil (A kind man)

– Une femme gentille (A kind woman)

– Des enfants heureux (Happy children)

– Des filles heureuses (Happy girls)

– Un chat noir (A black cat)

– Une voiture noire (A black car)


There are some exceptions to the rule of parfait adjective agreement. The first exception concerns adjectives that describe colors. In this case, the masculine and feminine forms of the adjective are the same, regardless of the ending. For example, “vert” (green) is the same for both masculine and feminine forms.


– Une robe verte (A green dress)

– Un t-shirt vert (A green t-shirt)

The second exception concerns adjectives that are considered invariant. These adjectives do not change form based on the gender or number of the noun they describe. Common invariant adjectives include “blanc” (white), “rouge” (red), and “noir” (black).


– Un mur blanc (A white wall)

– Une robe blanche (A white dress)

Finally, there are some adjectives that change meaning depending on whether they are used before a masculine or feminine noun. For example, “pauvre” can mean “poor” when used before a masculine noun, but it can mean “pitiful” when used before a feminine noun.


– Un pauvre homme (A poor man)

– Une pauvre femme (A pitiful woman)


Mastering parfait adjective agreement is an essential step in becoming proficient in French writing. By following the basic rules and exceptions outlined above, you can ensure that your adjectives match the gender and number of the nouns they describe accurately. It takes practice and patience, but with time, you will be able to produce writing that is clear, accurate, and grammatically correct.