Seattle Public Schools Tentative Agreement

After months of negotiations, Seattle Public Schools and the Seattle Education Association (SEA) have finally reached a tentative agreement on a new contract for teachers. The agreement is a significant win for both parties, as it addresses long-standing issues such as teacher pay, workload, and support for students with special needs.

Under the new agreement, Seattle teachers will receive a significant pay increase, with starting salaries for new teachers set at $63,000 per year. This is a significant increase from the previous starting salary of $52,706. Additionally, all teachers will receive a 10.5% pay increase over the course of the three-year contract, which will help to bring salaries in line with other school districts in the region.

Another key issue addressed in the new agreement is workload reduction. Teachers have long complained of excessive workloads, with many spending long hours outside of the classroom grading papers, preparing lesson plans, and meeting with parents. Under the new agreement, teachers will receive additional planning time, as well as support for classroom management and student behavior issues.

Finally, the new agreement also includes support for students with special needs. Under the previous contract, special education teachers were expected to carry a much higher workload than other teachers, often without adequate support or resources. The new contract addresses this issue by providing additional resources and support for special education teachers, as well as funding for additional special education staff.

Overall, the tentative agreement is a significant win for Seattle teachers and students. The pay increases and workload reductions will help to attract and retain high-quality teachers, while the support for special needs students will help to ensure that all students have access to quality education. Of course, the agreement must still be ratified by both the SEA membership and the Seattle School Board, but it is expected that both parties will approve the agreement in the coming weeks.

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